Server Information

Statistics and settings match global Tibia from version 8.0.

Experience: x3

Skill: x3

Magic Level: x3

Loot Rate: x2

Frag Information

Frags to Red Skull: 3

Frags to Ban: 6

Frag Time: 12 hours

Additional Information

Daily server save occurs at 7 a.m. Polish time. All characters will be logged out at this time.

House System: Houses have a one-time fee, and they will be lost if you do not log in for 10 days. Idle experience counts as in-game login.


Available Commands
!spells Shows the spells available for your profession.
!frags Displays your character's frags.
!shop If you bought items through the store, this command will collect your items.
!online Shows a list of online players.
!kills Displays the list and timing of your frags.
!buyhouse Purchases the house you are facing. You must be in front of the door.
!leavehouse Allows you to leave your house. You must be inside to use this command.
!sellhouse Sells your house to a selected player. Use "!sellhouse player_name".
Server Map